Wednesday 21 May 2014

Old and New

I was meant to start the men's health workout on Monday and to tell the truth I was really looking forward to it, but when I got the workout plan I was disappointed as it was all gym based! In preparation for the new workouts I had increased my sets from three to four , which increased the length of my workout to 45-50 min's. I found that after my longer workouts I really felt it, sore muscles like in as a beginner again, and my body was shaking. Probably from low sugar levels.
   Yesterday I was thinking about what a friend of mine was saying a few weeks ago about doing 100 press ups a day for 6 weeks. At first I was thinking, 6 weeks! That's mad, but yesterday I decided to do a variation on it.
At the beginning of my workouts , after my warm up I do;
5x normal press ups.
5x diamond press ups
5x wide press ups
5x moving press ups
5x kettlebell press ups.
Rest in between as needed, but no more than 30 seconds.
Do normal extended workout and repeat at end.
Sound easy? try it. I did 50 press ups and my workout.
I can really feel it in my chest now.

Thursday 15 May 2014

3 hrs later

Wow amazing stuff seven seas, I'm now like a well oiled machine who feels like I could jump over the house in a single bound after taking the tablets . Well not really but I do have plenty of energy and no body parts have dropped off. First off I have to say that I HATE swallowing tablets but thank god these tablets are easy to swallow , even though one if them looks pretty big I had no bother. And compared to the wallmart specials that feel like your swallowing a bullet, they were a breeze. Good job Seven seas. 

Seven seas

Look what was waiting for me when I got home. New goodies to fill me full of energy goodness. I'll let you know if the make me super man, or even better Batman. Thanks to seven seas for sorting me out. 

Thursday 8 May 2014

6 months on

I was looking at the calendar today and I realized that I have been doing my current workout for six months! Now I have to say I have noticed a few changes in my physique, I'm bigger and stronger and I've been able to put on some weight and maintain It at a healthy 11 stone(I think).
I'm due to start the men's health workout in the next few weeks and I'm really looking forward to it. In the meantime I'm still plugging away with the 16 kg Kettlebells and working on the old routine until it starts.

I am still in the market to become a brand ambassador and I'm currently in talks with seven seas and D8 fitness in Dublin. If any of you guys out there are brand ambassadors any tips would be great.

Saturday 19 April 2014

Man Lego part two

Nearly there, hopefully I will have it ready for the meteor shower , I included a love seat as well

Thursday 17 April 2014


Good afternoon, its been 3 weeks since my last confession.
Recently i have noticed that I have reached a sort of plateau  ( i think that's what it is) , I'm working out as normal but I'm not really seeing any more improvements. I have been considering for a while of increasing the amount of cardio. I was going to start back running but the physio has advised me not to. So I have decided to take part in an on line challenge
I was considering some sort of HIIT . Probably Tap out to do along with the kettlebells. so it would be Kettlebells in the morning and Tap out in the evening. The problem I am having at the moment is the dreaded middle age spread! you see like many men my age I have a slowing metabolism, and the belly is getting bigger and no matter what I do I just cant shift it. I have never once in all my 36 years been considered fat or overweight ( the complete opposite) and at the minute I am working out more than I ever did. In the past I worked as an outdoor instructor so I was active all the time, Hill walking, kayaking etc. So I was thinking that I'm not doing enough cardio to shift the excess fat that middle age spread is giving me. What do people think?
Will this be any good?
Should i just get bigger Kettlebells?
It might be a bit of craic. I have been doing my current workout since Christmas, so it might be time for a change.

Thursday 3 April 2014

Stop Farmer Stop!

Yesterday morning i went and had a chat with my physio about my chronic knee pain, after a few exercises and various twists and turns we have discovered that I have exactly the same issue with my right knee that i had with my left knee three years ago. When she measured my leg above the knee, my right leg is two cm smaller than my left, this is mostly because my Vastus medialis is smaller and weaker than it should be. this causes the foot to turn out a little which puts pressure on the outside of my leg and my IT band
As I said before this is the same problem I had on my left leg so i was a little confused about it.
Now if your a reader of my blog you will know that I have a  dedicated leg day and i do a fair bit of squats etc. and i have a long history of hill walking and cycling so I thought these muscles would be good and strong.
when I had the injury on the left side I didn't do anything to fix it, I just stopped running and it went away.
( after awhile).
The bottom line is at least six weeks of physio activities before i start back into long distance running. I'm going to try and do some shorter distances over the weekend and see how I get on.